FAQ’s & Latest Answer
We are a nationwide business that takes cars for cash. We make it possible for local car buyers across the country to connect with sellers wanting free of their junk cars or to trade a car or just want money for their car. We then help buyers find the highest offers so they can get the most cash.
Occasionally, we’ll purchase newer vehicles ourselves. This can mean even more money for you.
Visit the main page of our website. There, you’ll see a form for a “quote request”. You will need to fill in the year, make, and model of your vehicle on the form, as well as information on where the car is and your best idea of its condition and time to set up appointment to get rid of your car.
We’ve refined our online system, so once you fill in the form, we can usually give you an instant offer. In the case we don’t have answers for you right away, we will contact you as soon as we can.
First of all, remove all of your personal belongings. Look under the car seats, check the trunk, and look in your glove box or other compartments. You will also want to remove your license plates from the vehicle. Keep these in a safe place. In some states, it is required that you have your title notarized. Please do this at an official notary before pickup.
Have your title signed and ready to go when your buyer arrives. And that’s all!
Of course, you can make a decision when you’re ready. However, your current offer is only valid at the moment it’s on the table. While that offer may stay the same when you revisit our website in a few weeks or even months from now, it could be different an hour later. The market for junk cars and trades jumps around a lot, with changing needs, and so offers fluctuate frequently.
Scheduling is managed by the local purchaser of the junk car. We do our best to put you in touch with the buyer and facilitate a pick-up that works for both of you.
On average, once the deal is finalized, buyers will come for the junk car within one to two business days. Occasionally it will happen on the same day, and other times it may take longer.
Most payments will be made via either a check or cash when the buyer picks up the vehicle.
There are exceptions. For example, when a seller isn’t available at the site of pickup, a check may be mailed to them. However, this will need to be carefully arranged before the sale is finalized.
Our company backs up the checks our sellers receive for their cars. If you take a check for your junk car, and the check bounces, we will issue you a new payment directly from us. Fortunately, we’ve never had a problem with an unresolved payment.
While taking actual cash for cars happens in some instances, it’s often safer to take a check. This gives both you and the seller some paperwork for tracking. It’s also better for the tow driver not to drive around carrying cash for cars all day. Be assured that the check payment is a great option and that we have your back should anything happen.
You have been paid and the sale is finalized. Now, it’s time to make sure you are released from liability. This is going to vary from state to state. In some locations, you’ll need to contact the DMV. They may want the license plates back. You may also need to officially cancel your registration or transfer it.
You will also need to contact your insurance company. It’s time to cancel your insurance on the sold car.
Different buyers get into the cars for cash business for different purposes. Sometimes they may resell the vehicle, in whole or in parts, at an auction. Sometimes they will take the car apart and sell the pieces at their salvage yard. They may also crush the car so they can recycle the raw materials at an auto salvage yard.
This may be a bit confusing, but no, you will not. You are actually the seller of the car. When you turn the junk vehicle over, some of the paperwork involved includes a bill of sale, for the buyer.
No. If your junk car is getting high offers, we may ask that you submit photos of the vehicle. Assuming that the condition of the car is accurate to how it was represented when you submitted your quote on our online form, then all is well. If on pickup, the buyer finds that the condition is much worse than represented, they may make a new offer or they may refuse to purchase the junk car.
This is a rare situation, though. The condition would need to be much worse than stated. Do your best to accurately record what you know about your vehicle, and that should take care of this.
This isn’t a straightforward question because the laws on selling cars vary state to state. Please check our page on service locations. There, you can find your location and the section on titles. This will have more information on what is an option for you. In any situation, there will need to be some kind of official proof of ownership in order to sell the junk car.
This is another question where the answer is less straightforward. When it comes to taking cars for cash, we have a legal responsibility to make sure you’re authorized to sell the vehicle. In some instances where the owner is deceased, you’ll need to have legal paperwork authorizing you to sell the vehicle. These laws can also vary state to state.
We often come across cases where someone purchased a vehicle and possibly wrote “buyer” on the title, without having a new title issued. You’ll need to get a new title in your name before we can legally take your car for cash in this case.
This is fine. If you have the title, and it’s in your name, but it’s issued in a different state than where you’re currently located, there is no problem.
No. You’ll need to deal with the lien and have a “lien release” document from the company that issued the lien. There will need to be original versions of this paperwork to complete the sale. We can’t use copies.
There aren’t any! You won’t ever pay our company anything. If at the time of pickup, the condition of your vehicle is accurate, then you will be paid the exact amount of money you were offered when you took the deal.
No, this is illegal. If a vehicle has been abandoned on your property, you have a couple of options. First, you can do your best to contact the legal owner. If that won’t work, you can contact your local police department. It can eventually be placed in a legal auction, but we can never offer cash for abandoned vehicles.
To be clear, we always reserve the right to refuse to purchase any vehicle, for any reason. That being said, we work with a wide variety of buyers interested in cars for cash. This means almost all cars in whatever condition are of interest to us.
Has it been in an accident? That’s okay. Has it been sitting for a long time? Also okay. Does it have severe issues in need of a mechanic? This is also okay.
The most common exception is in cases of severe fire or water damage. Fire and water can be brutal to a vehicle. In these cases, there can be so much damage that there aren’t any usable parts.
Sorry, no. You’ll need to find a different service. We work with cars for cash. This includes cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans.